
Bar Admission

  • 2015 Admitted to the British Columbia Bar

Menka Sull is a member of the firm’s Construction + Engineering, Insurance and Administrative Law Practices.

Her practice is litigation-focused and includes a variety of areas of law including, construction litigation, occupiers’ liability claims and professional negligence and disciplinary matters.

Within her professional liability practice, Menka specializes in representing the interests of engineers and lawyers in litigation arising out of professional activities. She regularly represents clients on complex and technical multi-party disputes involving error and omissions claims and construction defects. Menka also has a large administrative law practice where she represents both professional regulators and members of regulated practices at discipline hearings and on judicial review.

Menka has represented clients before all levels of Court in British Columbia and before administrative tribunals. She is currently a member of the executive of the Appellate Advocacy Section of the Canadian Bar Association, BC Branch.

Menka chairs Alexander Holburn’s Women’s Forum, which focuses on the professional and personal advancement of the firm’s women lawyers. Menka was previously a member of its Diversity + Inclusion Committee. She is also active in student recruitment and hiring. Menka contributes to the firm’s Construction + Engineering blog and regularly presents professional development seminars for clients and other lawyers at the firm.

Menka is a graduate of the Allard School of Law at UBC. Prior to attending law school, Menka obtained a master’s degree in political science from UBC and worked as a research consultant on the resolution of Indian Residential Schools claims with the federal government for a number of years.

On A Personal Note...

In her spare time, Menka enjoys being an amateur chef.

Representative Experience

Menka has represented clients before all levels of Court in British Columbia and before administrative tribunals. She has also resolved matters through formal and informal mediation processes.

Menka’s decisions include:

  • Drennan v. Smith, 2022 BCCA 86

Menka successfully appealed an order to dismiss a claim for want of prosecution after being retained as appellant counsel.

  • Winkler v. Boughton Law Corporation, June 2021

Menka was successful in obtaining a dismissal after a trial of the claimant’s action for solicitor’s negligence on the basis that the claimant failed to prove negligence or causation.

  • Quansah v. Moffatt et al., May 2021

Menka successfully defended the plaintiff’s petition for judicial review of a provincial judge’s order to dismiss the claim at a settlement conference for failing to disclose a triable issue.

  • Wozny v. Gelber, 2021 BCSC 314

Menka successfully brought a summary trial application to dismiss the plaintiff’s claim for solicitor’s negligence on the basis of the expiry of the limitation period and the doctrine of cause of action estoppel.

  • 0694841 B.C. Ltd. v. Alara Environmental Health and Safety Limited2021 BCSC 128, aff’d 2022 BCCA 67

Menka was successful in a summary trial application to dismiss the plaintiff’s claim for negligent misrepresentation on the basis of a disclaimer clause. The decision was upheld on appeal.

  • Lu v. Real Estate Council of British Columbia2021 BCSC 109

Menka successfully brought an application to strike the plaintiff’s claim for failing to disclose a cause of action and for being vexatious and an abuse of process.

  • 655515 B.C. Ltd. v. Palmer, 2017 BCSC 335

Menka was successful in obtaining a dismissal after a trial of the plaintiff’s claim for solicitor’s negligence on the basis that the plaintiff could not demonstrate any loss.


